Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Types of Cloud Services Used by Business-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing in Business. Answer: Introduction: The cloud computing has been delivering the ways for the current businesses for managing the computing resources in online. The word has developed in the recent years and is used for describing the third party usage for the computing and storage needs (Hashem et al., 2015). A list of advantages and disadvantageous rising from cloud computing is brought in this report. This is done from the perspective to help in understanding the idea of cloud computing. The report has analyzed the project scope and objectives, and provided an in detailed literature review regarding the concern. Lastly, an effective conclusion is drawn keeping the cloud computing and its various ways of impact, both positive and negative, on the business sector, in mind. Project objective: The objective of the project includes the converting of the external packaged applications like Google email turning into the SaaS tenant. Then it should help in implementing Microsoft Office 365 in cloud. Moreover it must create cloud-based storage/server infrastructure as the standard resources for the corporate users. The project must establish the testing platform of standard program and deploy the development ser tool regarding the development of cloud applications. Moreover a latest enterprise application of cloud-based could be developed utilizing the current PaaS environment. A cloud-based backup of data or any system of recovery system must be implemented and a cloud-based system of security management should be acquired Project scope: The scopes of the project must include: What amount of cloud ecosystem is to be incorporated in the scope of the project? Has been the formal procurement needed or have the cloud record vendors been appointed already? Is there any need of business case based on cloud or has any first policy of cloud been adopted already? Have there been any unique customization, specialization or integration requirements for the required application? Has there been any potential compliance or any extra regulatory roadblocks? The Project manager must also establish the maturity level of the companys cloud before doing the in-detailed planning for the given project. The maturity level must include the starting, repeatable, the systematic, measured or the optimized. The literature review: The background: The cloud computing has been developing like never before in organizations of every size and shape adapting to this latest technology. The industry experts, Rittinghouse and Ransome (2016) have believed that the trend should continue to evolve even more in the upcoming years. The cloud computing has been in no doubt advantageous for the medium to large companies without the downside particularly for the smaller businesses. According to Hameed et al., (2016) the cloud computing has been seemed to be a buzzword of this decade and the business have been making the switches every day more than before. The IT processes could make the regular computing much simpler while harnessing the efficiency of the cloud computing to the streamline. Before making any switch the companies must be aware enough whether they are ready or not. There lies no confusion that the businesses could reap large benefits from the technology. It contains its own ups and downs. However, Patel et al., (2013) states that apart from the loss of various celebrity figures, the year 2016 is an epitome to retrospect. The up-going and downfall also includes some significant data breaches that have hit the news. Despite this, the cloud emerged the other side stronger and bigger than previous. In fact, it has made the headway so much that it has been a quarter as popular than it has been four years back. This indicates that the cloud has been not on the horizon any more. It has been no longer in the stage of early adopter. It is established and expected to stay well enough. It has been once the purview of the conglomerates and large companies. It has reached a new height of democratization. Here the business can now get benefit from cloud irrespective of their size. This is due to the fact that it has overcame the starting years of hype and has witnessed larger adoption as the de facto solution of IT for the business as researched by Fernndez et al., (2014). Usage of cloud computing in business: The term cloud in the article of Gonzlez-Martnez et al., (2015) has been referring to the internet and the operation within the cloud indicates the approach in which the data is stored and accessed via internet connection. The cloud computing has been permitting the business to make access unto their data virtually by creating a global and flexible way to access information any time, any place. The cloud computing is the broad term denoting various kinds of cloud services. It includes the cloud storage that deals with the storing and backing up of files to access regularly and share and syncs them around devices. Next it is used for cloud backup. Unlike the cloud storage it basically utilizes the backup source during cyber attack, crash and the other data losses. It is also used as SaaS( Software as a Service) using the web for providing services like Salesforce, QuickBooks Online, Google Apps and Office 365 (Mezgr Rauschecker, 2014). Lastly it is used as the cloud hosting that facilitates every kinds of sharing of information like application hosting, email services, data storage and web-based phone systems. Types of cloud services used by business: Modi et al., (2013) helped in understanding that the business owners have been using three kinds of cloud services for storing their information and to provide services. The first one is the public cloud that is built on the external platform which is run by the cloud service provider. With the help of this off-site cloud service, the users achieve their own cloud under the shared infrastructure. The provider has been offering all the things from the systems resources to maintenance and security of the cloud system. It has been managed by the external company specialized in cloud services, for a broader range of customers. Hence a public system of cloud is effective for the companies requiring more cost-effective, elastic and latest technology. The next one is the private cloud, which the platform is built under the companys own walls on the companys own software and hardware. As a private cloud is controlled by the companys own internal team of IT, it has been exemplary for businesses that need exclusive access, greater control and more flexibility regarding cloud. However, for using the private cloud service, the companies have been building their own information centers making that an expensive cloud option. The last one is the hybrid cloud that has been employing both the public and private clouds. Here the own team of companys IT controls some part of cloud in-house and the remaining off-site. For example as given by Mathew, Sekaran and Jose (2014), it is great for any company that needs to control the business related data like the customer files in-house and on the other hand needs to store the information which is less sensitive with the third party. The advantages of cloud computing in business: The business has been using cloud computing for accessing data anywhere in any type of compatible device. Instead of storing data in the computer or in any server at the office, the cloud computing has been storing data over the internet as argued by Moharana, Ramesh and Powar (2013). It has been working making data available from the core hub which is web-based. It has been giving anyone the needed credentials access with the internet connection from any location. The cloud computing has been also syncing information every devices that is linked to the cloud. This is done keeping them up-to-date with the real-time information. Zhan et al., (2013) demonstrated that the users could access every kind of files in the cloud environment. They can utilize the applications like they have in the office and could also collaborate remotely whole working over the similar project or the presentation on the device as anyone over the other side of the world. As anyone is away from the work or the office server gets inaccessible the data in the cloud is upgraded every time and available at any time, any place. The services of cloud computing could be ranging from the functional programs to the data storage including the remote desktop hosting, customer service tools and accounting. Some of the highlighted advantages of cloud computing is discussed hereby. Fresh software: According to Manvi and Shyam (2014) with the SaaS, the current version of these applications required to undergo the business have been made available to every customers as they gets released. The quick up-gradation inserts latest functionalities and features in the hand of the workers making them more productive. This has been unlike the purchased or home grown software that possess latest releases primarily once in a year and an adequate time for rolling out. Doing more with the less: With the help of this technology, the organizations could decrease the size of their data centers. They could further eradicate the footprint of the data center altogether. The decrease in number of staff, software cost and the number of servers notably reduces the cost of IT affecting the IT capabilities. Flexible costs: The expenses of the cloud computing has been very much flexible than the conventional ones. Garrison, Wakefield and Kim (2015) analyzed that more capacities could be provisioned in the peak times and could be de-provisioned when not needed. The always-on availability: The connections are on every time as long as the employees possess the Internet connection. Some of the applications have been even working in off-line. The enhanced mobility: The applications and data have been able to the employees regardless the fact that where they have been. The employees could carry their tasks anytime anywhere. Arising collaboration: The application enhances the collaboration through permitting the dispersed group of individuals for meeting virtually. They can also share data easily in real time through the shared storage as mentioned by Sadiku, Musa and Momoh (2014). Cost effectiveness: The companies need not to buy the equipments and operate and built out the data centers. Hence they do not need to spend huge money on the utilities, facilities, hardware and other elements of the operations. Quick reduction of expenses: When the recession time or the business cut-backs takes place, Sajid and Raza (2013) writes that the cloud computing delivers the flexible structure of cost. Thus it restricts the exposure. The flexible capacity: The cloud has been the flexible facility that could be turned down or up or off. This depends on the situations. For instance, Sadooghi et al., (2017) states that the promotion of sales could be popular widely and the capacity could be added fast for avoiding the losing sales and crashing servers. As the sales gets over, the capacity could shrink in reducing costs. Facilitating the management and the administration activities: The cloud computing has been accommodating the quick changes such that two organizations could turn into one much efficiently and quicker. Lesser environmental effect: With the fewer worldwide data centers and more effective operators, the business has been having lesser influence on the environment. Chandrasekaran (2014) quiet argues that the businesses using shared resources enhance their green testimonials. Disadvantages of cloud computing: The cloud computing has delivered certain advantages by saving money and time for the business. However, according to Rajaraman (2014), alike many other technologies it has possessed its share of drawbacks. Hence, it has been vital to be aware of the potential issues and the shortcomings before any business decides to put back the IT infrastructures and go for the virtual facilities over the cloud. The several disadvantages are discussed hereby. The possible downtime without any internet connection: The cloud computing has been fully relying on the Internet connections. As the connection or the network gets down, the cloud services could get down as well. The entire system or the operations could turn idle as there has not been any alternative internet connection or necessary back-up. The security and the privacy issues: The security in the cloud has been usually reliable and good. However, the vendors of the established cloud computing have been ensuring that they have the most sophisticated and the latest systems of data security. Hsu et al., (2014) showed that this is because the data security has been huge concern for the businesses. Moreover, there lies another concern regarding the security is the attack of the hackers and breaching of the systems. The privacy has been another issue. As any user logs into from any location for accessing the applications and data, it has been possible that the privacy if the use can get compromised. No presence of hard drives: Some customers might recognize it cheaper to eradicate the hard drives since that could decrease the costs. However, those who have been using the programs that has been requiring any embedded hard drive, the usage of the cloud computing could be inconvenient enough. Data ownership: Duan et al., (2013) emphasized on the fact that this could be an important hurdle especially when the business possesses loads of data for handling. There has been no clarity regarding the data ownership. So there might not be any proper answer to the basic questions owning the data maintained by the cloud storage services. This has been regardless whether that has been the uploader or data storage provider. Inflexibility: While going for the vendor of cloud computing, the terms and conditions are too checked so that never locks the business into using the proprietary formats or applications. There must be situations when any document could not be inserted generated in other application. This might be detrimental for the business. Lack of support: In comparison to the custom-built software and the most packaged ones, the cloud services never have the effective support of customer care system. This it could be hard in getting them on the e-mail or phone as per as Rajaraman (2014), as they generally never deliver the illustrated manual for the users Integrating the latency and the peripherals: The business might face various hardships in connecting the wireless devices. This has been particularly as it come to the personal devices like the printers to cloud network as disclosed by Chandrasekaran (2014). There might be also problems regarding the software incompatibilities since most of the devices have been still designed for connecting particularly to any PC. There might be also latency issues or any time lag while linking the system to the servers of remote clouds. Conclusion: Like every other things the cloud computing too possesses its pros and cons. As the technology has been proving to the highest asset to the business, it could also be the reason of harm as not used or understood properly. It has been offering the business with many advantages. It has been permitting to set up the virtual office. This has been providing flexibility to connect the business anytime and anywhere. With the rising number of the devices that are web-enabled used in the current business environment, the access to the data is also easier. Working off the hard drive is the way in which the IR industry has functioned for long time. 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